The real growth of modern hotel industry took place in USA named as City Hotel in New York city in 1794 A.D. Another significant trend begun in the 1920's was toward corporate rather than individual ownership of the hotel. This was the result of steadily increasing cost of building & operating hotels. The real boom of hotel building & operation was seen with the emergence of chain operation started by EM Statler during this era. It allows for effiecient management through the huge of mass purchasing, central reservation & billing & extensive advertisement & promotion.
In the 1920's professional school of HM were created to prepare American good position in hotel industry. Technical school were also established to train skilled employes. During the world war 2nd the hotel business flourished, number of new hotels were built but existing establishment were occupied nearly capacity at all time because of the growing importance of automobile travel. Soon after world war 2nd almost all the new hotel built near the highway. By the late 1950's motels began to rival hotel by offering a borden range of service & facilities.
Motels have increase greatly in number during the last 30 years & the number of hotel has decrease. Somewhat today the hotel offering the convience of the motel & the service of the hotel is being popular. More effecient transportation & the growing importance of air travel have reduce the need of accomodation along highway motel are now being built within the boundries of large cities & near airport areas. today about 30% of all american hotel & motels are affilated with chain or cranchised.
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