Friday, November 6, 2009

The Menu

The MenuThe menu can be defined as the list of food and beverge items along with the individual or inclusive price. It is a priced list of food and beverage items available in food and beverage outlets. Menu is also termed as "Bill of fare" or "Priced list of food and beverage items". If the menu is presented in a card it is called as a menu card & if presented in a folder that can be termed as a menu folder, which should be clean, attractive and pleasuring colored to match the decore and theme of the Restaurant. Generally a good menu should considered the following aspect which reflect its meaning:
  • Compiling a menu is an art and science.
  • It should be designed for the gastronomic purpose thus considering the economic aspects.
  • It should considered the oractical aspect that is the culinary arts.
  • It should be logical and systametic and not haphazard complication without specific purpose or meaning.

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